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The alcohol-free wine that promises a good time without compromise

Wonderland - Credit, Selfridges

Whether you have taken part in dry January or have been drinking January dry, may we present to you the perfect prevention for those social meeting-induced hangovers that are creeping up your calendars. French Bloom, a sparkling non-alcoholic wine, has finally launched in the UK via Selfridges, and is hitting the market just in time to give January that final boost of unit-free fun. Co-founded by Constance Joblonski and Maggie Frerejean-Taittinger, French Bloom blossomed from a desire to have the best of both worlds: a medium to facilitate social connection, whilst also maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

French Bloom, first founded in 2020, is criminally low in calories, with no-added sugars and is completely free from sulphites. The vegan-friendly recipes are a delicious result of two years worth of research, which aimed to produce a sweet culmination of satisfaction and pleasure with every sip. Constance, a top model, found herself grappling with the clash of her industry’s demand for physical perfection and her personal need for a fruitful social life. Maggie, on the other hand, was navigating her pregnancy without any decent substitute for the sparkling wine she would usually pair with her dinners. Combining their expertise, and being the parties affected by the lack of alcohol-free consumables, French Bloom became an unstoppable enterprise and has elevated the UK’s sin free beverage market in the process. 

The story of French Bloom

Carefully mixed in the South-West of France, French Bloom sparkles in two flavours: “Le Blanc” and “Le Rosé”. With the former infused with a pear aroma and tropical notes, the taste proves to be both exciting yet palatable. Le Rosé incorporates deeper tones, with flourishes of rose and cherry interspersed with the delicacy of peach and the acidity of wild berries.

With the taste of a night out with your friends at the tip of your tongue, French Bloom will be freely flowing to enjoy without the threat to your wellbeing. 

To buy your bottle, head to

Article link.
